

garments, photo series, book, installation, video



The work deals with the use of time, as a means
of design, but also in a wider social context.


Its starting point is the ancient Greek myth of
Persephone, which revolves around the passage
of time, cyclicity and different human ages, and
to which the origin of many pagan fertility rituals
can be traced.





Director: Júlia Szederkényi

Camera: Gábor Medvigy



Inspired by the book In Praise of
Shadows written by Junichiro Tanizaki the work
provokes reflection on value systems of past and
present times.



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Fülöp Schmal


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Created in consultation with:

Prof. Waldemar Kraus, Prof. Jozef Legrand, Magdalena Kohler


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Published by Das Werk

Garments in cooperation with:

Marietta Kövecses, Youjung Kim,
Stefan Brandner, Vanda Berecz


Find the full project documentation here.

Project documentation book: Benedek Takács, Julien Le Goff


2019 Berlin University of the Arts